but who, mark, are you?
muse name
mark cohen

late 20s

new york

late 80s, early 90s


Mark Cohen is the narrator of Jonathan Larson's musical RENT. He's just a filmmaker with large dreams, but who never seems to be able to finish a script or a film due to being crippled by his own anxities and drive for perfection. He's surrounded by likeminded artists and other people who live in New York City's infamous neighborhood Alphabet City during the height of the AIDS epidemic. As the year flies by, Mark finds himself struggling to complete his first film as those he's closest to start to drift from him or their illness takes their lives.

About the mun: Cori. She / they. 30s. PST. I've been writing Mark on and off since 2012. He's a character that means a lot to me and he's pretty much become my OC with a heavy base in canon over the years. I've based him off of the musical, the performances of Anthony Rapp, Adam Kantor, and ( more recently ) Blake Patrick Anderson, aspects of Larson's demo tapes, and various headcanons.