she / they

1. ROLEPLAY IS A HOBBY - If you insist on a certain deadline on when I need to contact you but you make no efforts to contact people yourself ( especially if you follow first ), if you have deadlines on when I need to respond to you, or something similar, this isn’t the space for you. All of my blogs are marked as low activity by default, although the actual activity level depends on my physical and mental health and the strength of that character’s current inspiration. This is a hobby and people have lives outside of this hobby. Unless you’re actually going to pay me ACTUAL MONEY to prioritize you above everyone else, I’m not going put responding or contacting you above my mental or physical health or real life obligations.

2. MUTUALS ONLY - All of my blogs are mutuals only. If you attempt to contact me in any way, shape, or form and you’re not a mutual, it’s an instant hard block across all of my blogs.

3. INFORMATION ACCESSIBILITY - If I’m not able to read your character information, I’m not going to follow you. The majority of tumblr themes are unreadable and inaccessible and, as a result, I do not click off of dash view. If you don’t have an option to read your information on a google doc, a carrd, or something similar, I will not bother trying to read your information at all. I'm not going to risk triggering a migraine. My health comes before your aesthetics. Keep in mind that I will not follow you if you don't have the following:

- a pinned post with accessible links that lead to a carrd, google doc / site, or somewhere like neocities ( no tumblr pages / posts )
- a mun name
- your age ( or age range )

4. FORMATTING - My formatting is very simple: small text and changing the color of a bold and italic word to a darker or lighter ( not brighter ) color. If you want me to change up or drop my formatting altogether, please let me know either via the all important interest tracker ( for the characters who have them made / linked ) or over discord. That's what they're there for. As for me, when we're writing, please do not use neon colors as it bothers my eyes and tends to cause headaches. If you're unsure about the color that you're using, please feel free to reach out and I'll let you know! I'll also reach out and let you know if what you're doing is bothering my eyes. Also, please don't format using only special characters because that also tends to mess with my eyes and cause strain, which leads to headaches. Please just stick with the simple either no formatting or small formatting.

5. TRIGGERING THEMES - I don’t shy away from triggering themes in my writing or my characters. The most commonly occurring ones will be outlined in the character’s information page at the very top, so be sure to read it and remain mindful! I do not tag triggers in writing unless it’s something that doesn’t occur often ( extreme illness, character death, familial / friend death, etc. ), but I do tag images by default. Please be sure to read the trigger warnings and curate your dash accordingly! Also, if you have triggers that aren’t considered “common,” please be sure to contact me and let me know so I can list them in my private doc and remember to tag them as they occur.

6. ON SMUT - I do not write smut publicly and I don’t write smut with strangers at all. Full stop. I don’t care if you write smut because that’s a personal choice and I don’t judge or shame you for it. I just choose not to do it because it makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

7. MULTI MUSES - If you’re a multi, please specify what muse a like or a meme is from either in the replies or over discord. If you’re liking something of mine that’s on a multi and it’s a general call and not character specific, SPECIFY A MUSE. Don’t make me decide. I’ll ignore it and you until you tell me what muse ( or multiple muses ) you want.

8. DISCUSSIONS - I don’t do long form discussions over tumblr IMs. I hate tumblr IMs with a burning passion, especially given how finicky the whole site is with even letting you know if someone replied and then there’s the whole “shadowbanning” thing. I don’t mind a brief conversation or an exchange of discord screennames, but I will NOT do an actual discussion. You want to discuss something? Do it over discord.

9. HARD BLOCKING - I used to have a lot of anxiety over hard blocking. Not anymore. I’m at the point that I’m happy to hard block for a variety of reasons and I STRONGLY encourage you all to do the same. Hard blocking isn’t personal for me. I’ll hard block someone because they followed me and I don’t see us meshing very well. I’ll hard block because I want to break mutuals. I’ll hard block because someone is being annoying / creepy in some manner. I’ll hard block someone because they’re associating with someone that I had a bad experience with / had a major falling out with and I don’t want to see them on the dash / don’t want my blog to come across their dash in any manner. See? Lots of reasons. Don’t take hard blocking personally, friends, because it more than likely isn’t.

10. DON’T BE AN ASS - I shouldn’t have to say this but racism, bigotry, transphobia, zionism, etc. is not allowed in my space. Fuck off with all of that noise.

11. HARD LIMITS - I will not follow anyone who blatantly write out the following:

- Incest
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Sexualization of a minor
- Racism, transphobia, etc.
- People who put minor characters into sexual relationships with adults.
- Or who refuses to censor anything at all.

It's one thing to acknowledge that it's part of a character and their relationships and another to glorify / write it out. I'm not comfortable with having this on my dash, especially uncensored. If you do any of this, you do you. However, please don't interact with me because I am not comfortable.

12. ROLEPLAYER DNI - I don’t have a public one and I probably won’t share my private one. I do have a list of names that I’ll block on sight and will more than likely block those who are very closely associated with them, but that’s for me and me alone. I also don’t participate in callout culture and I will not share a callout unless extensive proof has been provided that the person in question is either a minor who has been masquerading as an adult and doing smut with adults ( something that puts a lot of people at risk ) or they’re someone who is a general danger to the RPC as a whole or to a specific subset of the RPC.

13. BANNED FACECLAIMS - If the faceclaim that you're using has been known / proven to be racist, transphobic, abusive, etc., I will not engage with that character and / or follow your blog. I don't care if that's the original face. I don't want that on my dash. Hard stop. I have provided a list of specific names that are known abusers / hateful asshats and people that just give me the ick in general on the sidebar. Please read it over when you’re done with this. If you see me using someone who is problematic, please let me know! I try to keep up to date, but it’s hard because celebrities do shit all the time and sometimes it slips under the radar. Please provide at least one reputable link so I can get started on my research.

14. BANNED CHARACTERS - For my own comfort and safety, I will not write with these specific characters unless I know and have spoken to the writer behind that character:

- Tate Langdon
- Violet Harmon
- Kai Anderson
- Nate Jacobs
- Jason Carver
- Billy Hargrove
- Thin versions of Carrie White ( she's canonically fat. cast her correctly or don't come near me )

15. BANNED FANDOMS: For my own comfort and safety I will not write with characters from these fandoms unless I know the writers behind these characters or a mutual friend has personally vouched for the writer: ( please note that I do not put fandoms willy nilly just for being problematic. I place things there due to bad experiences or to make my space comfortable for me, not to pass judgment. Unless otherwise marked, I will make exceptions for all of these if they’re on a multi. I just won’t interact with them. )

- Harry Potter ( hard stop. i don’t want this on my dash at all )
- Game of Thrones
- Euphoria
- The Vampire Diaries Universe
- Stranger Things
- Teen Wolf
- Twilight
- Lore Olympus
- Phoenix Joker movies
- Neil Gaiman works ( unless you have an anti-Gaiman disclaimer. claim his works for your own! take them away from that gross ass man! )
- Live action adaptations of Stephen King's Carrie ( hard stop )