The Lone Wanderer.
a study in: you're on your own kid, you can't go home, living legend, losing everything, discovering the truth, the waters of life, helping the helpless, helping others because you can't help yourself, a silver tongue and a golden heart, pushing through the pain, the loneliest person in the world.


parental loss, ongoing trauma, injury, death, death of a parent, war, nuclear fallout, post apocalypse, cult deprogramming, mentions of slavery, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of blood drinking, mentions of sexual assuault / rape, mentions of bigotry, more soon.

Character Specific Rules:

1. Lone Wanderer Knowledge - Unless your character knows Samara during the events of her Waters of Life ( Fallout 3 canon ) verse, your character is close enough for her to admit that the mythological Lone Wanderer is her, or unless she's forced to admit the truth somehow, your character will not know that Samara is the Lone Wanderer. Due to her traveling out of the DC Wasteland after the events of Fallout 3 and the stories of the Lone Wanderer becoming heavily mythologized in the years that have passed, Samara's name has become disconnected from the original stories. The only nugget of truth that still truly remains is that the Wanderer was a Vault Dweller. Beyond that, most people can't even agree on the Wanderer's gender and Samara prefers it that way.

2. Shipping - Shipping with Samara is not easy. Due to the amount of loss that she's experienced, especially losing her dad so soon after finding him again, Samara finds it incredibly difficult to form close bonds with people. She is terrified that they will abandon her or that they'll be killed. Romance will take a lot of time and patience, plus reassurance. She'll come around eventually. Maybe.

3. Minor Canon Tweaks - I've done some minor tweaks to "canon," especially involving certain perks, due to how gender oriented some things are. Not a fan of that, so I'm invoking the "canon is my playground" clause and doing what I want.

Close Connections

James: For the longest time, Samara's biggest hero was her father. Despite the long hours he would spend working, she adored him and would try to spend as much time as she could with him when she wasn't spending time with Amata or working her other job. She thought him a little strange at times, but she put it up to just that being a 'dad thing' since Amata said that her dad could be weird sometimes, too. Then when that "fateful night" happened and she was forced to flee the Vault, Sam's entire world became unraveled and her view of her dad changed. She still loves and adores him, but she's come to realize that she doesn't know him like she thought. And thanks to the Enclave, she never will get that chance to know him.
Charon: Samara knew that she had to help Charon the second that she met Ahzrukhal. The way that the ghoul spoke about Charon turned her stomach and she instantly jumped on the chance to buy him once she had scraped up the caps. When Charon shot his former employer, she didn't even flinch. It made her ill just thinking about the things that this man had probably made Charon do. She instantly set about trying to help her new 'employee' feel more at ease and try to set the tone for a better relationship. It was a little awkward at first, but they soon fell into a pattern. It never occurred to Sam to treat Charon as anything less than a person who was capable of making his own decisions and she often asked for his advice when it came to certain decisions and ways to tackle certain things. She also gave him his own room in her home in Megaton and made sure that any loot and payments were split evenly between them. He very quickly became her closest friend and confidant, saving her ass more times than she could count. She honestly doesn't know what she would do without him.
Dogmeat: Meeting Dogmeat was a happy accident when Samara and Charon helped him out with some raiders who had killed his previous owner. Needless to say, Dogmeat decided to tag along with them. Not that Sam was going to complain, seeing how she always wanted a dog like she used to see in the movies that she would watch with her dad. When he was with them, Dogmeat was a stalwart and excellent companion. However, after he got injured pretty badly, Sam began leaving him behind more for his own safety in Megaton with the agreement from Gob, Moira, and Lucas Simms to keep an eye on him and make sure that he was taken care of while she was gone. He eventually dies in 2283 when he saves the caravan heading to the Commonwealth from a super mutant attack.
Fawkes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Amata: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Butch DeLoria: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Sarah Lyons: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Moira Brown: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.

Faction Affiliations, Alliances, & Known Enemies

- Regulators - was invited to join the Regulators shortly after helping Reilly's Rangers. it's a good way to make caps and helps fulfill her sense of justice, plus it keeps her moving.
- Reilly's Rangers - helped rescue them with Charon's help and ended up joining them to help them out. thinks Reilly is a good person. technically still a member, although she hasn't seen them since leaving the Capitol Wasteland in late 2278 / early 2279.
- Brotherhood of Steel - officially joined after saving Project Purity. was kind of iffy on the whole operation, although she had a lot of respect ( and a slight crush on ) Sarah Lyons and some ( but not quite as much ) respect for Elder Lyons. had a bit of a falling out in late 2278 / early 2279 and left the organization and the Capitol Wasteland. hates all other chapters of the BOS and its members, especially given their bigoted views.
- The Railroad - was approached by them after taking a job from a guy from a place called "The Institute" and was eager to help them out. mainly because the guy was an asshole who kept treating her like she was an idiot, which is a great way to ensure that she would sabatoge whatever job needed to be done. works for them to this day, helping escaped synths find a better life and doesn't regret it.

- The Family - became friends with them after helping Ian West. helped them strike up a protection deal with the town of Arefu and learned how to drink blood in the same manner as them in order to heal. Samara respects the lengths that they go to in order to quell their urges so that they don't hurt others.
- The Abolitionists - became involved with them after being tasked by slavers to capture them. double crossed the slavers and helped the escaped slaves take the Lincoln Memorial. has found multiple Lincoln artifacts, helped to chase down bounties, and guided escaped slaves to the group.
- Little Lamplight - struck up an alliance of sorts after rescuing several residents from Paradise Falls. due to the kids' distrust of "mungos" and macready's protectiveness of his charges, she was very careful of how she approached things. set up a trading deal with a couple of the members and visited regularly, not only trading but also bringing small gifts for the kids who asked for them, along with extra weapons and ammo.

- Talon Company - the idiots who have been trying to kill her practically since she stepped out of the vault. finds them annoying, especially since they constantly seem to get in the way.
- The Enclave - has a personal burning hatred for this particular faction. one of the most satisfying things that she's ever done was convince eden to kill himself and blow up the facility. doubts that the enclave is actually gone and will always be down to destroy anything related to this faction.
- Vault Tec - another faction that she has a personal burning hatred for. everything that she learns about Vault Tec and its experiments make her feel extremely ill. will not go into a vault willingly unless there's something big in it for her.

- Mister Burke - words
- Desmond Lockheart - words
- Alistar Tenpenny - words

Stats & Perks



- Black Widow
- Lady Killer
- Daddy's Girl
- Gun Nut
- Thief
- Swift Learner
- Child at Heart
- Comprehension
- Educated
- Scoundrel
- Gunslinger
- Toughness
- Commando
- Rad Resistance
- Strong Back
- Animal Friend
- Mysterious Stranger
- Lawbringer
- Light Step
- Master Trader
- Computer Whiz
- Explorer
- Hematophage
- Power Armor Training
- Rad Regeneration
- Survival Expert
- Deep Sleep
- Xenotech Expert
- Punga Power!
- Superior Defender


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. curabitur sodales ligula in libero. sed dignissim lacinia nunc. curabitur tortor. pellentesque nibh. aenean quam. in scelerisque sem at dolor. maecenas mattis. sed convallis tristique sem. proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. mauris ipsum.


the rocky road - non-specific post canon verse

This verse takes place in a non-specific time and a non-specific place in the Wasteland. It's very flexible and the only point is that it takes place post Fallout 3 and outside of any other specific Fallout verses. This is the default verse, especially if we have not fully plotted anything out. You want something more specific that you can sink your teeth into? Let's actually plot instead of just throwing random things at each other.

the waters of life - fallout 3 verse

This verse takes place from the time that Samara steps out of Vault 101 to the end of the events covered in the game. This includes the DLCs such as Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta, and Point Lookout as I count them all as canon within Samara's story. This verse is a request / plotting only verse and it will not be offered by default unless you're playing a canon from the game. ( rough timeline of events for this verse coming soon. covers ages 19 - 20 years old )

spurs that jangle - new vegas verse

Samara needed a pretty big break from the Capitol Wasteland, especially after having a bit of a falling out with Elder Lyons. So when a pretty big bounty from the Regulators came through in late 2278 / early 2279, she jumped on it. The man took off and Samara had no hesitation in following him right on out of the Capitol Wasteland. She tracked him pretty all the way to Texas, but managed to catch up with him and claimed her bounty. Deciding that she'd made it this far, she traveled for a bit longer and wound up in Nevada. Just for the hell of it, she decided to head up towards the New Vegas area and try her luck for a bit. This is a request only / plotting verse and it will not be offered by default unless you're playing a canon from the game. ( covers early 20s )

a safe place to fall - fallout 4 verse

Samara was contacted by Moira Brown with a very lucrative job offer: head up security to escort a fairly large caravan of individuals from the Capitol Wasteland to the Commonwealth. The thing that all of this seemingly random group of individuals had in common was the fact that they all wanted a fresh start somewhere outside of the Capitol Wasteland. Samara, in need of a new adventure, gladly obliged. The group consisted of Moira, Butch DeLoria, Gob, some runaway slaves, a few members of Bigtown, and a couple of others. Together, they traversed the dangerous wasteland together and somehow managed to make it to the Commonwealth with miminal loss of life. Eventually, they discovered a small abandoned community that still had houses in decent condition and a good area for farming. After clearing it out and setting up defenses, they began calling it Hope Wells and settled in. ( covers late 20s, very early 30s )

seeking something new - show verse

words here

a safe life - pre canon

Vault 101 is all Samara has known. From her first memories of toddling around their little Vault Tec issued apartment to playing with Amata, the life of a Vault Dweller is a peaceful one. The life is boring, but it's safer than the surface with its high levels of radiation and inhabital lands. Or so the Overseer says. And who is she to question the Overseer? At least, who is she to question him openly? She has her doubts about some of the propaganda that's constantly put in front of her, but her dad dismisses her concerns and reminds her to keep her head down. And so she does, seemingly forever confined to a life where all she's made for is to work and to breed.