i don't want to set the world on fire.
Welcome to URANIUMROCK, a multi-muse blog for the Fallout universe. Please be sure to read the rules and character information! Canon divergent characters, original characters, and crossovers are more than welcome! Please keep in mind that I'm new to the Fallout universe and lore, so please be patient with me and don't assume that I know everything right off of the bat. I'm still learning.
the muses

the courier.
thorn black.
the sneakiest of silvertongue package couriers. also known as courier six. was shot in the head. may have been scrambled a bit. new vegas.

the jump scare.
just an innocent robot. nothing to see here. new vegas. request / plot only.

the lost ghost.
lives in goodneighbor and never leaves. relic from before the war. just a chem addict, a runaway, and a ghost and prefers it that way. works for magnolia as her assistant. polite, but distant. fallout 4.

the jazz singer.
she's enticingly beautiful with a voice that draws you in. lives in goodneighbor and rarely leaves. married to the music. one of the only people in the wasteland that you'll hear on the radio. fallout 4.

the blue star.
military vet. smart as a whip and talented with science and tech. turned down a cushy job with vault tec back in the day. slept for almost 200 years. now known as a bit crazy. called blue star because of the bottle cap earrings. fallout universe.

the quiet courage.
norm maclean.
lacks enthusiasm. the clever boy. coward on the surface, but far braver than you'll ever be. fallout tv.