a study in: growing into a leader, gnawing doubts, racing to kill the gods, learning earth shattering truths, you're not my god, punching god in the face, learning to live with regrets, the bitterness of betrayal, doing whatever it takes to save the world, these disasters are my family, found family, i write my own narrative, walking similar paths, the pain of loss, the pain of being manipulated
death, mental illness, end of the world situations, grief, violence, blood, blood magic, discussions of death ( positive and negative ), funerary practices, regrets, ptsd, trauma.Character Specific Rules:
1. Other Rooks - All Rooks are welcome! This even includes other Mourn Watch Rooks. Come to me. Let's be friends and talk about our heavily traumatized babies.2. Emmrich Romance - In the game, I romanced Emmrich because I love the whole same faction thing, plus I loved the interactions of Emmrich and his fellow Mourn Watcher. It was adorable. However, if you write Emmrich, please don't automatically think that I'm going to force a ship on you! I'm here for the individual vibes, so I don't assume romance unless it's been discussed beforehand. Howevever, since Luc's canon run is an Emmrich romance, I will discuss their relationship in the meta sense and the impact it has on them as a whole.
3. Other Romances - In roleplayland, anything can happen. Please don't think that I'm limiting myself to just Luc x Emmrich! I'm willing to go where the vibes develop. If we're writing and we feel that our characters are starting to head in that direction, give me a nudge and we'll do the thing! Also as a sidenote, I ship Rook and Solas, but that will take some discussion and development before anything actually happens.
4. AU Elements - There are some AU elements involved with my version of Rook, including Rook's age and the situation of the south of Thedas. I refuse to accept that it was destroyed, especially considering that ( canonically ) it's the best prepared area for a widespread blight. I will not acknowledge that it was completely destroyed, but that they are fighting and dealing with things.
Close Connections

Canon Divergencies, Notable HCs, & Important Notes:
- Luc / Rook is not a "fresh faced adventurer" or someone who's young. They're in their early 30s and have been a part of the Mourn Watch since they were sixteen years old, plus training for longer.- I lean into Luc's origin story and them being a foundling in a Necropolis crypt. They're kind of "weird" and have unusual abilities. These abilities cannot be ignored or handwaved just because you think that a named canon character should be superior to any kind of original character.
- About their eyes and spirit seeing abilities here, being groomed for the Mourn Watch here, and being Fade touched here. These things are all extremely important to Luc and how they ended up where they're at. They cannot and will not be ignored.
- Important headcanons about Mourn Watch training and how it applies to Luc's knowledge / fighting style / general abilities:
- Dance and etiquette training
- Medical training
- Mourn Watch & Blood Magic 1
- Luc's Knowledge on Blood Magic
- Intense Training, Blood Magic 2
- War of the Banners & Punching a Noble
- Vorgoth has always been present in Luc's life and is the only other steady thing in their life besides the Mourn Watch. They're the closest thing that Luc has had to a family member.
Stats & Abilities:
I'll fill this out once I'm done with the second playthrough.Biography:
I'm currently working on a second playthrough for Luc to solidify a few things. I'll write out a full bio once I'm done with it. In the meantime, please read through the headcanons tag to get to know Luc.Verses:
knock on death's door -
This is the Veilguard verse. Takes place from the time that Solas's ritual fails to the time Elgar'nan is defeated. Unless otherwise discussed or requested, this is Luc's default verse.