a study in: a driving need to prove yourself, being the scapegoat and not wanting to acknowledge it, knowing you're not the favorite, being loved less, being the black sheep, golden child vs scapegoat, idolizing a brother who doesn't truly see you, trying to find your place, wanting to save everyone, wanting to be the hero, the desire to be special, power without corruption, being truly good, being the bleeding heart, swallowing the anger, holding back the pain, pushing through it all, being everyone's rock, allowing yourself to be taken advantage of.
psychological abuse, favoritism, golden child vs scapegoat dynamic, feeling lesser than, parental death, sibling death, death, violence, repressed sexuality, homophobia from parents ( mentioned in headcanons and backstory ), psychological trauma, more to be added as they come up.Character Specific Rules:
1. Petlar - Petlar ( Peter x Sylar / Gabriel Gray ) is the main ship present on this blog. Unless otherwise specified, it will be present in all verses in some way, shape, or form. If you have a problem with this, I understand and you're not obligated to write with me. I'm also not tagging it since it's so heavily present. Consider this your only warning.2. Exclusive Sylar - I have an exclusive Sylar / Gabriel ( sylarrs ) and I'm not interested in writing with another. If the issue is pushed, I'll block you. Any issues that you have with this is your own. All I ask is respect for me and my writing partner. If you're unable to do that, then I'm not interested in writing with you.
3. Reborn Canon - Reborn isn't canon in any way, shape, or form. Claire didn't and wouldn't die in as mundane as childbirth ( especially given her powers and how many hoops that they had to go through to make that stick ) and she definitely didn't have Mary Sue-esque kids. No. The only thing that I'll agree with is that Matt Parkman had a villain turn. After what happened in season 4 with him shutting Sylar in a wall, I can see that.
4. Petrellicest - Get that shit away from me. No. No no no no no no. Peter wouldn't fuck his brother or his niece. I will block you. Fuck off. And no, I will not be doing any AUs where Claire isn't actually family. That's still disgusting. Go away.
5. Shipping - All of that being said, I don't mind shipping other ships as long as they develop naturally. Peter with other canons or Peter with original characters. As long as the chemistry is there and he's not with Gabriel, let's do it. If it develops naturally in a thread and you start seeing it, give me a nudge over discord and we'll talk it over. Just don't force it or spring it on me. Forcing anything gets you the block.
6. Hayden Panetierre is Banned - Due to her support of Zionist organizations, Hayden Panetierre is a banned faceclaim. If you write Claire, either be faceless or use an alternative faceclaim.

Full bio itself is being worked on currently. Consult the wiki if you really need a run down. Divergences are outline below.Character Divergences & Power Issues:
Divergences -
* When Peter realized that Claire was going to expose them all, he ran to try and stop her. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to make it in time because he realized what she was doing too late. Claire's actions at the carnival and exposing everyone was the first major crack in their relationship and only further added strain to their relationship, which didn't help later on when he took in Gabriel.* Peter and Claire begin to have a strained relationship shortly after the events of Brave New World due to the fact that he invites Gabriel Grey ( formerly known as Sylar ) to live with him. Their relationship completely falls apart when Peter and Gabriel officially become a couple.
* Peter and Angela's relationship become incredibly strained after Peter and Gabriel become closer and after Peter begins to process the abuse he endured over his life. While they still have a sort of relationship, especially since Peter is the only living child that Angela still has, they are not close at all.
* Peter's apartment that we see in season 4 is actually Gabriel's apartment that we see in flashbacks. He was oblivious of the connection until Gabriel tells him later when Gabe moves in.
Power Issues -
* Peter's Power -- The first and most notable change that I'm making is the issue surrounding Peter's power change when he injected himself with the serum that gave him a synthetic ability. Instead of changing his ability, it actually him his original ability back. However, due to the intense traumas that he had just endured at his father's hands and the fact that it brought back of all the mental and emotional abuse that he had endured from Arthur over his life, it caused it to manifest differently due to his mental state. Thanks to the traumas, Peter was a lot angrier and a lot more closed off than he was during season one.* Peter was never really given a chance to breathe and heal in the year following due to the issues with the government, burying himself in trying to save people via being a paramedic, then discovering Nathan's death and the cover up around it, then the whole thing with the carnival.
* It isn't until he and Gabriel begin to really grow close and fall in love that Peter starts to heal and begins to open up again. Once Peter starts on his path of healing and opening up, his ability begins to grow once more and begins to manifest in the way it originally did in season one.
* EMPATHIC MIMICRY - The ability to duplicate the abilities of other evolved humans within proximity and reproduce them at will. Originally, Peter had to concentrate very hard to think about the person from whom he received his ability. Eventually, he was able to use this ability almost as second nature, and occasionally without even knowing the person from whom he received the ability. This is Peter's primary ability. Please read the Power Issues note for more info.
* PRECOGNITIVE DREAMING - This ability allows the user to see the future through their dreams. The only way for this to work is for the user to fall asleep naturally without the help of any drugs. However the dreams are open to interpretation, depending on the circumstances, these dreams can vary from slight differences to a immense differences compared to the actual event. This ability also allows the user to make contact with another person who is also currently in a dream like state. Known users were even able to admit that the dreams can be confusing. It is currently unknown how far into the future these dreams go. Copied from Angela.* FLIGHT - The ability to defy gravity and achieve flight, ranging from hovering and moving in various postures in any direction, to propelling oneself through air, even soaring beyond supersonic speeds. Copied from Nathan.
* PRECOGNITION - The ability to accurately foresee future events. Copied from Isaac.
* REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR - The ability to regenerate cells at an increased rate, resulting in physical injuries healing in a matter of seconds or minutes. Copied from Claire.
* TELEKINESIS - The ability to move objects with the mind. Users can influence, manipulate, and move matter with their mind. Copied from Sylar.
* ENHANCED STRENGTH - The ability to exert greater than normal physical force. Copied from Niki.
* TELEPATHY - The power to mentally control any function the brain controls, hearing other people's thoughts, scanning the memory of other people and sending thoughts directly to other people's minds. Copied from Matt.
* SPACE TIME MANIPULATION - The ability to alter the space-time continuum. Copied from Hiro.
* PYROKINESIS - The ability to create and manipulate fire with one's mind. Copied from Flint.
* RADIATION EMISSION - The evolved-human ability to generate and manipulate radiation in several different varieties of ways. The possessors can create great heat, electromagnetic pulses and lightning-like effects. Copied from Ted.
* ELECTRICITY MANIPULATION - The ability to generate and propel charges of electricity ranging from minor to fatal voltage. Copied from Elle.
* INTANGIBILITY - The molecular ability to pass ghost-like through solid objects. Possessors of this ability can render their entire bodies intangible, but also individual body parts such as arms. Possessors remain visible while using this ability. Possessors have not been shown to pass through floors. Copied from D.L.
* INVISIBILITY - The ability to walk in plain view of other people without being seen. Copied from Claude.
* ENHANCED SPEED - The ability to move faster than would normally be possible for a human being. Users of this ability can think, move, and react at superhuman speeds. They can easily dodge multiple bullets shot at point blank range and move far in excess of supersonic speeds; their stamina is also greatly increased. Copied from Daphne.
* INTUITIVE APTITUDE - The ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training. However, it also compels the holder to understand as much as they can, resulting in a "hunger" which can manifest a need to understand. Copied from Sylar.
* FLIGHT - The ability to defy gravity and achieve flight, ranging from hovering and moving in various postures in any direction, to propelling oneself through air, even soaring beyond supersonic speeds. Copied from Nathan, copied from West.* ENHANCED STRENGTH - The ability to exert greater than normal physical force. Copied from Mohinder.
* TELEPATHY - The power to mentally control any function the brain controls, hearing other people's thoughts, scanning the memory of other people and sending thoughts directly to other people's minds. Copied from Matt.
* SHAPE SHIFTING - The ability to alter and transform one's own body, voice, appearance, all physical traits anyway the user wishes. Copied from Sylar.
* ENHANCED SPEED - The ability to move faster than would normally be possible for a human being. Users of this ability can think, move, and react at superhuman speeds. They can easily dodge multiple bullets shot at point blank range and move far in excess of supersonic speeds; their stamina is also greatly increased. Copied from Edgar, lost. Current status: verse dependent.
* ENHANCED SYNESTHESIA - The ability to visualize sound waves as colorful light waves and manipulate these lights by combining them with a particular emotion. Copied from Emma, lost.
* HEALING - The ability to cause other individuals to heal injuries at an increased rate, resulting in complete recovery in a matter of seconds. Copied from Jeremy, lost. Current status: verse dependent.
* MENTAL MANIPULATION - The ability to manipulate upper brain functions, enabling the user to render others unconscious, erase their memories, and negate the use of abilities. Copied from Rene, lost.
* TERRAKINESIS - The the ability to control geologic materials such as minerals, dirt and rocks. Copied from Samuel, lost. Current status: verse dependent.
* CRYOKINESIS - The ability to reduce the temperature of matter, causing it to freeze. Copied from Tracy.
* SPACE TIME MANIPULATION - The ability to alter the space-time continuum. Copied from Hiro.
* PRECOGNITIVE DREAMING - This ability allows the user to see the future through their dreams. The only way for this to work is for the user to fall asleep naturally without the help of any drugs. However the dreams are open to interpretation, depending on the circumstances, these dreams can vary from slight differences to a immense differences compared to the actual event. This ability also allows the user to make contact with another person who is also currently in a dream like state. Known users were even able to admit that the dreams can be confusing. It is currently unknown how far into the future these dreams go. Copied from Angela.
* REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR - The ability to regenerate cells at an increased rate, resulting in physical injuries healing in a matter of seconds or minutes. Copied from Claire.