a study in: wanting to live forever, wanting a legacy, the hunger for fame, showmanship, faustian deals, greed born of fear, fear of finality, having a job to do, desiring freedom, iron clad contracts, unfinished business, being tricked.
death, manipulation, gaslighting, parental abuse.Character Specific Rules:
1. Due to season one being so short and then the entire show being cancelled ( thanks Netflix! ), all of Caleb's backstory, motivations, and how he ended up where he is is fully original. Please do not take any element of my bio or my headcanons because I've worked extremely hard on them.
2. I'm currently working on my own lore based on what little we've seen in the show. If you're interested in writing with the lore that I'm creating, you need to ask first and you need to give me credit.
3. By default, I'm going to typically play around the canon events in the show. Unless writing with another JATP canon, those events will be vague and in the background if they're mentioned at all.
- Caleb was born to Irish immigrant parents in the late 1800’s, although the official date and year were never recorded by the midwife From a young age, he had a desire to entertain others and make them happy. He often put on shows for his mother and younger siblings, all of whom encouraged him.
- His father, however, was not so encouraging and often pushed Caleb to be “more manly” and to stop with his “bullshit.”
- While his father never raised a hand to him, he often berated the young Caleb for his interest in performing.
- Caleb got his first book of magic tricks and a magic kit for Christmas when he was roughly eight years old and it changed his life. He began performing magic shows for the local neighborhood kids, even going so far as to charge them a few pennies to a nickel for it.
- In a drunken rage one night, Caleb’s father destroyed his magic kit and told the boy to stop with his “nonsense” and start acting “normal.”
- This incident only fueled Caleb, partially out of spite, to get better at magic and performing in general.
- When he was ten, he had a major falling out with his father and ran away to join a traveling troupe of actors. Impressed by his determination and innate talent, the head of the troupe accepted Caleb and they took him under their collective wings.
-Caleb spent years learning and traveling with various troupes, performing for others. However, he’d grown weary with this life by the time that he was eighteen.
-He eventually found his way to Los Angeles to try his hand at becoming a silent film actor.
-While his talent with performing and his good looks garnered him quite a bit of attention, he couldn’t seem to land any major jobs. A producer eventually told him why: He was too Irish.
- As a result, Caleb changed his name from Byrne to Covington and started using his middle name as his primary name. Thus, Caleb Covington was officially born.
- His career picked up, but it wasn’t enough for the determined Caleb. He wanted to be everywhere and known by everyone important.
- One night, a man approached him with an offer: If he signed a contract, Caleb would gain all the fame and renown that he could ever want. However, the price was his eternal soul. At this point in his life, Caleb was a relapsed Catholic and no longer fully believed in its teachings. He wasn’t even sure that souls existed, so he signed the contract without any issue.
- His life and fame absolutely skyrocketed in the coming weeks and months after he signed the contract. Caleb soon found himself able to perform anywhere he wanted, be in any movie he wanted, and have any man that he wanted ( secretly, of course ).
- Things were absolutely wonderful for Caleb for many years and he forgot the debt that he owed. When he was entering his 40’s, the mysterious man approached him and told him that it was time to pay up. Caleb scoffed at him and told him to leave, that he had no intention of paying up. He was about to do his most daring trick, after all!
-The trick went unexpectedly wrong and Caleb’s throat was slashed, leaving him to bleed out on the stage before anyone could react. He watched the aftermath in a sort of numb horror, realizing for the first time that he’d made a grave mistake in signing that contract all those years ago.
- The man revealed himself as Mephistopheles, king of dealmakers. He bound Caleb’s soul to what would soon become The Hollywood Ghost Club, telling him that he would be in charge of bringing in new souls.
- Caleb was resistant at first, but after years of punishments, he slowly began doing as he was told. Over time and thanks to the corruption that comes with power, he lost the heavy guilt and reluctance that he originally felt and even began enjoying his job. He could perform and entertain forever, forever frozen at the height of his good looks, and not have to worry about disease or age taking him.
- Due to years of working as Mephistopheles’s right hand, Caleb has lost a lot of who he used to be. The naive and eager young performer has been replaced with the hardened deal-wielding ghost that rules over the The Hollywood Ghost Club with an iron fist.