a study in: foretold heroine, visions in dreams, killer clowns, demons vs. angels, what it means to survive, death and resurrection, the modern final girl, destroyed family, being the big sister, being prepared, creative soul, living in the aftermath, unexpected parentification, shattered innocence, feral final girl, fighting your own mind, feminine rage, fiery retribution.
hallucinations, ableism, dealing with ableism, trauma, dealing with trauma, parental abuse, being unwillingly drugged, being attacked, violence, murder, clowns, killer clowns, blood, gore, medication, serial killers, multiple hospitalizations ( both willing and unwilling ), parental illness, cancer mentions, parental death.Character Specific Rules:
1. The Art & Sienna Ship - I don't ship it and I don't understand the people that do. Art has systematically murdered almost everyone who was close to Sienna, including her mother and best friends and attempted to murder her brother and her. There is no love there nor will there ever be. All Sienna feels for him is fear and loathing. If you're here in the hopes of some sort of romantic ship, you're going to be sorely disappointed. If you're an Art roleplayer and you actually want to plot out something interesting that doesn't involve romance, then you're in the right place. Otherwise, you're not welcome here.2. Mental Illness & Trauma - Sienna as a character is someone who, from the very beginning, has a running theme of severe trauma and mental illness. Both hinted at it being passed down and from her father's illness and abuse due to a brain tumor. I will try to handle the subject matter as sensitively as I can, especially considering my own issues. If you feel that I handled something insensitively, please approach me off of anon to discuss the matter like an adult. Anons will be deleted and ignored.
3. Tagging - I always try to tag common triggers on images. However, I do not tag writing that has the triggers outlined in the trigger warnings due to them coming up constantly. Other triggers that I don't tag in writing are blood, injuries, fights, and being chased. I will tag a character death, however. Please keep this in mind and read my posts at your own risk. If you're familiar with the Terrifier films and Sienna in general, you should know what you're getting into if you're looking into following this blog.
4. Shipping in General - Being in a relationship is not on the forefront of Sienna's mind. The romantic ships that you see on the blog are ones that were forged through careful discussion and roleplay both through old blogs and on discord. They were not done willy nilly and without thought. Sienna is someone who is dealing with a lot and who doesn't sleep around or date often. Her top priorities are taking care of her younger brother and her mental health. I do love shipping, however. If we're vibing and you think that Sienna and your character are getting along, please don't be afraid to speak up and give me a nudge for discussion.
5. Terrifier 3 - I've seen Terrifier 3 and I love it. I will be incorporating the events of the film into Sienna's character. However, until the film hits streaming, the verse will be by request only. If you want to block the tag so you don't get spoiled, block: of thorns and flames.
Close Connections

Important Character / Plot Notes
1. Hospitalizations - Damien has confirmed that Sienna has been in and out of a psychiatric hospital due to both the events of Terrifier 2 and "what she's becoming," which I assume is the whole angel thing that he's mentioned in interviews several times before. This is something that will be worked into Sienna's main verse and will be unavoidable. If this is something that is uncomfortable for you personally, I understand and suggest not following / interacting.2. The Angel Thing - The angel thing is not headcanon, conjecture, or spoiler. Damien has blatantly said it numerous times over the years that Sienna is an angel and that's what she's turned into at the end of Terrifier 2 and what she's becoming in Terrifier 3. The angel symbolism is blatant throughout Sienna's story, along with fire and resurrection symbolism.
3. Powers - All powers here are headcanon and theory until I can see them and / or have them outlined by Damien himself. Take them with a grain of salt and, if you write Sienna yourself, please don't take anything I say as canon. Draw your own conclusions and don't steal my shit.
Powers / Abilities
Powers depend on verse and the exact species she is within the verse. I will be tweaking / rewriting these powers once Terrifier 3 is released on streaming and I can rewatch the film / analyze it a lot easier.* VISIONS - Sienna's visions can manifest in one of two ways: either as an hallucination or in her dreams. while her visions tend to be primarily connected with Art and his demonic keeper, they can occasionally manifest if she or another person that she cares about is in extreme danger. This isn't to be confused with the actual hallucinations that she also suffers. this was her first ability to surface, even before her death, as we see it in play during the dream scene and during the club scene.
* ENHANCED STRENGTH - Think along the lines of Slayer strength. She's trained herself to hold herself back in every day activities and only use this when she needs it, such as to protect herself or others.
* ENHANCED STAMINA - She's able to withstand more physical activity than normal humans. although some activities take more out of her than others.
* ENHANCED ENDURANCE - Sienna is able to endure physical stressors, such as pain and physical attack, far better than a normal human can.
* ENHANCED SPEED - While she's not a speedster like a comic book character, Sienna is faster on her feet than a normal human.
* ENHANCED REFLEXES - She reacts quicker to danger than a normal human.
* SHORTENED HEALING TIME - While it's not a rapid thing, Sienna heals from physical injuries far faster than a human can. Recovery time depends on the wound itself. small things such as cuts and bruises can take 24-72 hours, depending on how deep it is. deeper wounds such as stab wounds can take 1-2 weeks. Broken bones are dependent on the break itself.
* RESURRECTION - When Sienna is killed, she often doesn't stay dead long. This isn't a conscious thing, but she's often resurrected anywhere from moments to a couple of hours after her death, depending on the manner she was killed.
I will be waiting until after I've seen the third film at least twice to write out a better biography. Meanwhile, please refer to character notes and verses for character information and don't be afraid to ask questions and read headcanons to fill in any gaps!Verses
This verse follows the direct aftermath of Terrifier 3. Sienna has been left alone in the gruesome scene of her aunt's murder and it's not looking good for her in the eyes of the law or in the court of public opinion. Gabbie and Jonathan are both missing, her uncle was killed at her brother's college along with the true crime podcaster that she'd been seen blowing up at only a few hours prior, along with said podcaster's boyfriend. While someone dressed as the Miles County Clown has been seen on security footage at the bar and at the mall, the cops still are leaning towards Sienna having a hand in it. She does have a record of being incredibly mentally unstable, after all. And Sienna still needs to find a way to get into Hell to free Gabbie, this time seemingly by herself and without the help of her magical sword. Things look to be painfully hopeless.default verse
This is the loose mostly spoiler free semi-default verse. Please keep in mind that there are some small spoilers, but nothing major that will ruin your movie going experience. This is based off of the timeline of events that take place before Terrifier 3 and will take place in a slightly alternate universe that avoids the events of the film for those who want to avoid the huge spoilers. Essentially, Sienna has spent the last five years dealing with the intense trauma of that infamous Halloween night. Art's body was never found and Sienna was taken into custody for the murder of her mother, Brooke and her boyfriend, plus as a suspect for the murder of Ally and her mother. It was only Jonathan's testimony, mysterious fingerprints, unexplained DNA evidence, and Sienna's own extensive injuries that saved her from being found fully guilty. Sienna's been in and out of an in patient psychiatric hospital with her last stay being about two consecutive years. She's finally out and going to live with her aunt ( mother's sister ), her uncle, and her beloved younger cousin. Jonathan is in college and has appeared to have moved on with his life while Sienna struggles with the day to day. Art is still in the wind, much to Sienna's fear and paranoia.spoiler free, post terrifier 2 but pre-terrifier 3 verse
Things are pretty much the same as in Living in the Aftermath. However, a modernized *American Psycho* gets thrown into the mix when Sienna swipes right on one Patrick Bateman one night. A single message soon spirals into a date which spirals into a really fun night. It doesn't take Patrick long to sink his claws deep within Sienna, for better and for worse.modernized american psycho verse
Sienna was three years old when Willow Rosenberg cast the spell that activated all potential Slayers. Unbeknownst to Buffy and company, the spell didn’t fully activate those beneath a certain age. Sienna was one of those potential slayers that didn’t get fully activated and lived her life as a mostly normal child. It’s possible that, without the interference of the demonic Art the Clown, Sienna may have lived the rest of her life as a mostly normal human being. However, when he stabbed her, it sparked that power deep within her and activated her Slayer abilities. Not knowing what happened or what had saved her, Sienna dragged herself out of the hole that Art had thrown her down and took his head. Less than a week later, two people showed up on Sienna’s doorstep. They explained exactly who they were, where they came from, and what had happened when Sienna was “resurrected.” They tried to convince her to join the rest of the Slayers, but she refused. She was the only one that her brother had and she’ll be **damned** if she left him after everything that had happened. Eventually, the council gave in and allowed Sienna to stay where she was. They gave her a Watcher and a Slayer to keep an eye on her and train her for the darkness she would have to spend the rest of her life facing.slayer verse
Art the Clown still exists, but it takes place in the Supernatural universe. Before her human existence, Sienna was once an angel who chose to fall from grace and become human. As a human, she had no idea that the signs of mental illness that she had almost her entire life were memories and abilities from her angelic past bleeding through. Things came to a head after she was killed during her fight with the demon known as Art the Clown and her grace was returned, but not her memories. She killed him and saved her human brother. Despite her grace being returned and the discovery that her human father had found her angel sword, she refused to return to her angelic duties. Instead, she went on the road with her brother and chose to protect him. She refuses to participate in the politics of Heaven and Hell and is focused on protecting Jonathan, first and foremost. She doesn't care about regaining her memories or returning to Heaven or her old duties.supernatural verse
Fallout verse, coming soon!OTHER VERSES TO COME
- Baldur's Gate 3 / DND- Dragon Age