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last show: julie & the phantoms last movie: spirited away last musical: hadestown last book: wraith by joe hill watching: ---- activity status: low to mid

things that are wip

technical: about pages for all muses lore sections: ahs lore, lindseyverse


feminine rage overcoming evil angst
subcoming to evil misunderstandings sometimes dead is better fighting for your life


this is the hub page for the blog CORIVERSE on tumblr. each link leads to a different path to help further explore the CORIVERSE. you can find information on various characters ( both canon & original ), pinterest boards, and whatever else i feel like tossing up. the CORIVERSE is a concept created by me after being consistently disappointed by creator after creator. all canon characters are divorced from their creators and some liberties are taken, depending on their source material and how problematic their creator is. canon divergences and liberties taken are outlined on each character page. it is a requirement to fully read over the character info before approaching for plotting. if it's discovered that a potential partner hasn't fully read the information provided, all plotting will be paused until they do so.

the CORIVERSE is welcoming to all.


about the mun

BASICS: Cori. She / they. In my 30s and too old for most bullshittery. Located in the pacific timezone. I have lots of favorite fandoms, although horror seems to be my go to. Don't be afraid to ask for my discord or message me on there. I'm almost always down to chat!


"Do you still believe that myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered."

solo blogs

Mark Cohen: Rent | headcanon based | found here.
Peter Petrelli: Heroes | canon divergent | found here.
Claire Bennet: Heroes | canon divergent | blog coming soon.
Winter Anderson: AHS: Cult, designed to be fandomless | canon divergent | found here.
Mallory Blythe: AHS: Apoc / AHS: Coven | canon divergent | found here.
Caleb Covington: Julie & the Phantoms | headcanon based | found here.
Jean Durand: American Psycho | headcanon based | found here.
Lindsey McDonald: Originally Angel, now Lindseyverse | canon divergent | blog soon.
Millie Manx: Nos4a2 | canon divergent | found here.